The Annual PMCC Convention
The 63rd PMCC Convention
The 2025 PMCC Convention is scheduled to be held in Bellevue, Ohio on Oct. 16—19, 2025 at Historic Lyme Village.

See Convention history here.
What we do at a PMCC Convention
Every year some devoted PMCC locals book a hotel, assemble the details (no small task!), and invite us to explore their corner of the country. There are tables of free postmarks, a couple of philatelic auctions, an ice cream walk, and good friends. It's like a family reunion, complete with t-shirts—albeit one with its own postal station and pictorial cancellation:

PMCC Convention: Temporary Postal Station

We don't just sit around, however. Every year we visit some local post offces. In 2010 we took the ferry to Block Island, RI and in 2011 we took the mailboat to Smith Island in Maryland. 2012: visiting a post office in Missouri.

PMCC Convention: Visiting post offices

There are tables of philatelic material—much of it free for the taking! We usually have a table devoted just to pictorial cancellations:

PMCC Convention: Free postmark tables

The PMCC Convention also features two auctions, one silent and one emceed by some long-time members.

PMCC Convention: Philatelic Auction

Even if you're not the primary collector in your household, you'll probably enjoy yourself.

PMCC Convention: Philatelic Auction

There's a banquet dinner every year. The Director presents plaques for long-time PMCC members and awards to those who have greatly aided the organization during the past year.

PMCC Convention: Banquet Dinner